A woman with her eyes closed is exuding a sense of calmness.

Cultivate Calm Not Stress: Practical Tips for Stress Management

    There are many ways to reduce stress. For many of us, it requires that we begin to understand ourselves at a deeper and emotional level. Since we are both the recipients and processors of our emotions, we must begin by identifying what types of experiences trigger stress and what types of experiences trigger wellness and joy.

    The good news is that there are endless lists that can guide you to finding the types of experiences you seek  This article contains two such lists. Consider them carefully. They can not only reduce stress and anxiety but also lead you to a happier and more fulfilled life.

    Two Lists That Reduce Stress And Bring Calm

    The first list, managing stress, is made up of practical and descriptive tips for managing stress.

    The second list, managing stress through wisdom, is nothing short of priceless. It was given as a gift from a teacher to his students. Those who have read and truly pondered this list have reported receiving remarkable insights that led them to a life with less stress and more joy.

    List One: Managing Stress Through Practice Tips

    Mindful breathing

    It is remarkable how calming it can be to make breath-work a regular practice. Take five deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose, breathe out through your mouth slowly, but do not hold your breath. You can count while breathing in – from 4 to 8 as best suits you – and then out to the same count, varying the count to best suit your own rhythm.

    Deep breathing synchronizes your heart, and your brain gets oxygen into the blood, restoring a sense of calm, even if done for a short time. And, of course, you can take five or ten deep breaths at any time during the day.

    Getting more rest

    If you can, take a ten or twenty-minute nap when you feel stressed. That is what we do with our kids; when they get whiny and fractious, we put them down for a nap, and they wake up relaxed and happy—most of the time.

    Reduce sugar

    Sugar will stress you out more than it relaxes you. If you are going to eat something, try to eat a balanced snack with some protein and leafy green vegetables with only a small amount of carbohydrates. Such a snack will not cause a sugar spike in your blood.

    Reduce caffeine

    Caffeine is a powerful stimulant. If you are already experiencing stress, caffeine can overstimulate you, triggering a state of anxiety.

    Taking walks

    Take a walk or any other form of exercise. Exercise regularly is an excellent aid to longevity and will make you feel better. You do not have to exercise to exhaustion; it is better to exercise moderately. But even a fifteen-minute walk can do wonders for your mood.

    Engage in something different

    Take up a new hobby and have some fun. Here are a few examples:

    • Puzzling
    • Blogging
    • Reading
    • Learning a new language
    • Journaling
    • Take a yoga class
    • Learn to meditate
    • Gardening
    • Hiking

    Giving to someone else

    Do something nice for someone else by giving of yourself. Not only is giving a nice thing to do, but the returns are also exponential if you give from your heart and without any expectation of return. When our planet reaches a stage of unity rather than divisiveness, it will be hard to tell the difference between giving and receiving. It will appear as a single and unified exchange.

    Be good to yourself

    Do something nice for yourself, but try to do it lovingly. By lovingly, I do not mean egoic or selfish love. I mean the type of love that comes from deep within our hearts. It is a love that includes our gratitude for our creation and for what we call the good and bad days that make up our lives and give us a deeper and more fulfilled understanding of our lives.

    Keep things in perspective

    We have saved the best of this list for last. One good mantra to remember is: “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Your life is not about the mundane, it is also filled with beauty, mystery, and awe – if you choose to see your experience of life this way. Yes, life is full of challenges, some of which can even bring you to your knees, but each challenge also contains a precious gift.


    List Two: Managing Stress Through Wisdom

    There are things you can do every day to cultivate a stress-free perspective. Each of these suggestions contains a spark of wisdom worth pondering when life’s challenges feel like more than you feel you can handle.

    The list of wisdom came from a teacher that wanted his students to learn how to avoid stress and cultivate joy in their life.

    The list of wisdom:

    • Take each day at a time
    • Smile at a stranger
    • Practice moderation
    • Don’t overeat
    • Be truthful
    • Take a long walk
    • See your work as an art form
    • Plant a tree
    • Be more accepting of people
    • Feed the birds
    • Be generous
    • Stand up and stretch
    • Listen to the rustle of a tree
    • Always have a plan “B”
    • Learn a new joke
    • Be more flexible
    • Practice being a better listener
    • Learn the words to a new song
    • Going on a picnic
    • Take a different route to work
    • Go watch a movie
    • Eat by candlelight
    • Keep a journal
    • Think sweet thoughts before sleep
    • Practice smiling every day
    • Say hello to a stranger
    • Praise another person
    • Remember you always have options
    • Quit trying to fix people
    • Get enough sleep
    • Getting up earlier
    • Prepare for the morning the night before
    • Avoid tight-fitting clothes
    • Don’t rely on your memory – write things down
    • Avoid negative people
    • Don’t gossip
    • Make copies of important papers
    • Repair anything that doesn’t work properly
    • Schedule playtime into every day
    • Take a bubble bath
    • Burn some incense
    • Break large tasks into smaller ones
    • See problems as challenges
    • See challenges as opportunities
    • Unclutter your life
    • Don’t overthink
    • Tickle a baby
    • Look for the silver lining
    • Says something nice to someone
    • Teach a kid to skate
    • Believe in yourself
    • Stop thinking negative thoughts
    • Visualize your ideal life
    • Meditate
    • Cultivate a sense of humor
    • Have goals that inspire you
    • Say hello to a stranger
    • Ask a friend for a hug
    • Look up at the stars
    • Breathe slowly
    • Read a poem
    • Listen to a symphony
    • Look up at the stars
    • Watch a ballet
    • Do something brand new
    • Buy yourself some flowers



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