an elderly senior sitting on a bench with dogs

Senior Resource Guide 2023: Essential Benefits for Seniors 65+

  • Legal Editor

This Resource Guide Covers Useful And Important Information On The Following Elder Needs And Topics:

  • Social Security
  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • Nursing Homes
  • Assisted Living
  • Caretakers
  • Senior Life Insurance
  • Elder Housing
  • Elder Advocates

Are You 65 Or Older?

If so, this resource will assist you in understanding the many resources and benefits available to you.

It’s 2023 and let’s say you are about to turn 65 or have already reached this age. If you are new to the types of options, scope, and quality of senior benefits and resources available, you may be pleasantly surprised. But be forewarned, there is a great deal to learn.

The earlier you learn about the range of organizations available to you, the more prepared and informed you’ll be to benefit from these resources, services, and products.

We have included some of the more basic resources to get you started:

Elder Resource Guide

Social Security Information And Handbook

The Federal government  offers downloadable and printable copies of the official Social Security Handbook, which includes timely updates on elder rights, resources, and other benefits they offer:

Social Security Handbook

Veterans Administration Information And Resource

The official government Veterans Affairs site includes elder information, resources, and links to crucial V.A. information and resources:

Veterans Administration

Medicare Services

This site focuses on Medicare and includes an extensive database of nursing homes, home nursing services, and a broad range of healthcare service directories. The site also provides helpful downloadable booklets on Medicare services:

Medicare General Information

Social Security Services And Benefits

This is the official government site for administering Social Security programs and benefits:

Social Security Website

Family And Elder Care

This organization provides information on affordable health and long-term care and includes a directory of related sites that cover Medicaid and managed care. It also offers a wide range of materials about other helpful elder care organizations:

Families USA

End-Of-Life Care Community

This non-profit organization is committed to serving hospice patients, their families, and their caregivers. They are devoted to improving end-of-life care by delivering educational programs involving professional caregivers, educators, and citizens:

The Hospice Patient Alliance

Meal Delivery Resources For The Underserved

This non-profit organization offers resources to local senior meal delivery services and direct financial support by providing online contact assistance between volunteer organizations and those needing their services:

Meals On Wheels

Homecare Nursing Reform

Dedicated to improving the quality of life of nursing home residents:

National Citizens for Nursing Home Reform

National Healthcare Advocates

This organization is made up of recognized leading civil rights advocates whose mission is to further the goal of providing quality and comprehensive healthcare access to all people, including the elderly, low-income, and underserved individuals:

National Health Law Program

Social Security Claimants Advocates

The mission of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives is to advocate for improvements in Social Security disability programs and to ensure that individuals with disabilities applying for Social Security Disability and SSI benefits have access to  qualified legal representation and that they receive fair decisions:

Social Security Claimants Representatives Organization

Justice In Aging

Nationwide legal advocates for low-income elderly individuals and persons with disabilities and include areas dealing with age discrimination, violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Medicaid, medicare, nursing homes, older Americans, pension rights, and social security:

National Association of Aging

Nurse Competence in Aging

The organization is dedicated to the quality of health care to seniors by advancing knowledge in geriatric competence:

Legal Advocates For Public Justice

Trial Lawyers for Public Justice is dedicated to using trial lawyers’ skills and resources to advance the public good, including those legal rights dealing with the elderly:

Trial Lawyers for Public Justice

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