(Search Map Above For Local Legal Aid Services)
Merrimack Valley AIDS Project, Inc
PO Box 882
Concord, NH 03302
Phone: 603-226-0607
Fax: 603-226-9117
Type of Cases Accepted: Housing, Wills, Health, Domestic Violence, AIDS/HIV
New Hampshire Pro Bono Referral Program
112 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-224-6942
Fax: 603-224-2910
Intake: 800-639-5290
Counties Served: Statewide
Type of Cases Accepted: Bankruptcy, Consumer, Education, Elder Law, Housing, Wills, Federal income tax disputes, Torts, Terminating Parental Rights, Real Estate, Immigration, Domestic Violence, Dissolution, Custod
Other Helpful Services…
Learn about other public service and assistance programs:
- Local shelters
- Home vouchers (section 8 housing)
- Cash assistance
- Access to local food banks
- Applying for food stamps
Visit the Gottrouble Financial Hardship Section for more details.