Pet-Friendly Rentals, Moving Checklist

Complete Moving Checklist and Tips for Pet-Friendly Rentals

  • Legal Editor

This article provides a moving checklist to help you organize and safely travel to your new home. We also cover pre-rental pet considerations for those who might have forgotten to inform the landlord of their pets.

A Checklist For Your Move – And A Word About Pets

  • Keep all documents relating to your move in a file folder or container to access them quickly if needed.
  • Inform the relevant utility companies of your pending move. Make arrangements with the service providers at your destination.
  • Check out your insurance policy. Ensure that you and your staff are covered throughout the move and as soon as you move into your new home.
  • Ensure the carrier has the information necessary to contact you while the shipment is in transit.
  • If you’re going to do the packing yourself, start well in advance. If the mover is going to do the packing, be sure to set aside the things that you’re going to keep with you during the move, and then separate the things you’ll want to be unpacked first and point them out to the packers so that they can load them last.
  • Arrange to have your appliances and sensitive electronic equipment serviced and prepared for travel, if necessary, before the pickup date.
  • Check with a computer technician about safely transporting your computer and its data.
  • Arrange for child care on your departure and arrival dates. You need to be able to focus on your moving checklist.
  • You should be there to oversee the packing (if it’s done professionally) and load your goods. Remember that you have the right to be present at any weighing.
  • You should also be at the destination to meet the truck and supervise the unloading.
  • Remember to read the Bill of Lading and moving documents carefully and to be fully satisfied with the information it contains before you sign it.
  • Keep your copy and keep your moving checklist with you during the move. Retaining all documents related to your move is essential should there be a legal problem later.
  • Don’t Forget Your Pet!

A Word About Pets And Pre-Rental Considerations: While many of us can’t live without our pets, we must recognize that many people can. Finding an apartment with one or more pets may be difficult, particularly in a tight market.

Apartment listings in the newspaper or a listing service that don’t specifically say No Pets may allow some cats or birds. Just as you need to make a favorable impression on a prospective landlord, you must try to have your pet do the same.

Bring letters of reference from past landlords, as well as a veterinarian’s certificate of immunization and a letter stating that the animal has a good disposition and is in good health. Have some photographs with you. Be prepared to pay a larger security deposit if you want to rent with a pet.

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