Search Above Map For Local Legal Aid Services
American Association Of Retired Persons Lawyers Project
601 E St NW, A4/630
Washington, DC 20049-0001
Phone: 202-434-2120
Fax: 202-434-6464
Intake: 202-434-2120
Counties Served: District Of Columbia
Type of Cases Accepted: Bankruptcy, Consumer, Elder Law, Employment Law, Housing, Wills, Real Estate, Health, Dissolution, Custody, Adoption
Archdiocesan Legal Network Of Catholic Charities
1221 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20005-5302
Phone: 202-628-4263
Fax: 202-639-5035
Intake: 202-628-4263
Counties Served: Calvert, Charles, District Of Columbia, Montgomery, Prince Georges, Saint Marys
Type of Cases Accepted: Bankruptcy, Consumer, Employment Law, Housing, Wills, Dissolution, Custody
Asylum & Refugee Rights Law Project
11 Dupont Circle NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036-1626
Phone: 202-319-1000
Fax: 202-319-1010
Intake: 202-319-1000
Counties Served: District Of Columbia, Montgomery, Prince Georges, D.C., Montgomery, Northern VA, Prince Georges County
Type of Cases Accepted: Immigration
Catholic Legal Immigration, Network Inc Clinic
415 Michigan Ave NE
Washington, DC 20017
Phone: 202-635-2556
Fax: 202-635-2649
Counties Served: District Of Columbia
Type of Cases Accepted: Immigration
D.C. Bar Pro Bono Program
1250 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-737-4700
Fax: 202-626-3471
Intake: 202-737-4700
Counties Served: Statewide
Type of Cases Accepted: CED
600 New Jersey Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-662-9699
Counties Served: National
DC Bar Pro Bono Program
1250 H Street NW, Fl 6
Washington, DC 20005-3952
Phone: 202-737-4700
Fax: 202-626-3471
Intake: 202-626-3499
Counties Served: District Of Columbia
Type of Cases Accepted: Bankruptcy, Consumer, Housing, Wills, Torts, Real Estate, Health, Domestic Violence, Dissolution, Custody, CED
Lawyers’ Committee For Civil Rights Under Law
1401 New York Avenue NW, Ste 400
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-662-8354
District of Columbia Emergency Domestic Relations Project
500 Indiana Ave NW, Rm 4235
Washington, DC 20001-2131
Phone: 202-393-6290
Fax: 202-879-0152
Counties Served: District Of Columbia
Type of Cases Accepted: Domestic Violence
The Children’s Law Center — Family Permanency Project
901 15th St, NW, Ste 500
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-467-4900
Fax: 202-467-4949
Type of Cases Accepted: Guardianship, Custody, Adoption
Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts
815 15th St NW, Ste 900
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-393-2826
Fax: 202-393-4444
Intake: 202-393-2826 x24
Counties Served: Arlington, District Of Columbia, Fairfax, Montgomery
Type of Cases Accepted: Employment Law, Housing, Wills, Intellectual Property, Arts and Entertainment Law, Real Estate, Immigration, CED
Lawyer’s Committee For Civil Rights & Urban Affairs
11 Dupont Circle, NW, Ste 400
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-319-1000
Fax: 202-319-1010
Counties Served: District Of Columbia
Type of Cases Accepted: Immigration
Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless
True Reformer Building
1200 U Street, NW
Third Floor
Washington, D.C. 20009
Fax: 202-872-1932
Intake: 202-872-1494
Counties Served: District Of Columbia
Type of Cases Accepted: Bankruptcy, Consumer, Education, Elder Law, Employment Law, Housing, Wills, Immigration, Health, Domestic Violence, AIDS/HIV
Whitman-Walker Clinic Legal Services Department
1701 14th Street
Washington, DC 20009-3840
Phone: 202-939-7627
Fax: 202-234-3695
Intake: 202-797-3527
Counties Served: District Of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia States
Type of Cases Accepted: AIDS/HI
Other Helpful Services…
Learn about other public service and assistance programs:
- Local shelters
- Home vouchers (section 8 housing)
- Cash assistance
- Access to local food banks
- Applying for food stamps
Visit the Gottrouble Financial Hardship Section for more details.