Helpful Services:

Connecticut Legal Aid And Pro Bono Services

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AIDS Legal Network for Connecticut (ALN)

80 Jefferson St
Hartford, CT 06106-5035
Phone: 860-541-5000
Fax: 860-541-5050
Intake: 888-380-3646
Counties Served: Statewide
Type of Cases Accepted: Bankruptcy, Consumer, Employment Law, Housing, Wills, Immigration, Health, Dissolution, Custody, AIDS/HIV

Connecticut Legal Services, Inc.

62 Washington Street
Middletown, CT 06457
Phone: 830-344-0447
Counties Served: All Of Connecticut Except Greater Hartford And Greater New Haven
Type of Cases Accepted: Consumer, Education Elder Law, Employment Law, Housing, Family Law, Social Security/Disability, Immigration, Domestic Violence, Dissolution

Connecticut Pro Bono Network

PO Box 350
New Britain, CT 06050-0350
Phone: 806-612-2003
Fax: 860-223-0538
Intake: 800-453-3320
Counties Served: Statewide
Type of Cases Accepted: Bankruptcy, Consumer, Education, Elder Law, Employment Law, Housing, Wills, For pro bono volunteer recruitment, training and recognition only. Cases are placed by over a dozen member legal aid agencies in our network. Terminating Parental Rights, Real Estate, Juvenile, Immigration, Health, Dissolution, Custody

Connecticut Volunteer Lawyers For The Arts

755 Main St
Hartford, CT 06103
Phone: 860-256-2800
Fax: 860-256-2811
Intake: 860-256-2736
Counties Served: Statewide
Type of Cases Accepted: Employment Law, Contracts, copyrights, intellectual property, tax exemption, non-profit organization, CED

Greater Hartford Legal Aid

99 Asylum Avenue
Hartford, CT 06105-2465
Phone: 860-541-5000
Fax: 860-541-5050
Intake: 860-541-5000
Counties Served: Hartford
Type of Cases Accepted: Bankruptcy, Consumer, Housing, Wills, Dissolution

Lawyers For Children America

151 Farmington Avenue
Hartford, CT 06156-3124
Phone: 860-273-0441

New Haven Legal Assistance Association

426 State St
New Haven, CT 06510-2018
Phone: 203-946-4811
Fax: 203-498-9271
Counties Served: New Haven
Type of Cases Accepted: Bankruptcy, Consumer, Education Elder Law, Employment Law, Housing, Terminating Parental Rights, Juvenile, Immigration, Health, Domestic Violence, Custody, CED, AIDS/HIV

Pro Bono Partnership – Hartford

280 Trumbull Street
28th floor
Hartford, CT 06103
Phone: 860-541-4951
Fax: 860-275-8299

Intake: 860 541-4951
Counties Served: All Counties But For Fairfield Which Is Covered By The New York Office In White Plains.
Type of Cases Accepted: Business transactional services for nonprofit charities, including (1) corporate structure and governance; (2) regulatory compliance (e.g., state and federal registration, annual reporting, charitable solicitation, fundraising, lobbying); (3) employment CED

Statewide Legal Services of Connecticut, Inc.

425 Main St
Middletown, CT 06457-3309
Phone: 860-344-8096 ext. 3014
Fax: 860-344-1918
Intake: 800-453-3320
Counties Served: Statewide
Type of Cases Accepted: Bankruptcy, Consumer, Education Elder Law, Employment Law, Housing, Health, Domestic Violence, Dissolution, Custody, Adoption, AIDS/HIV

Lawyer Referral Programs

Fairfield County LRS
1057 Broad Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604
General Phone No: 203-335-4116
Counties Served: Fairfield
Types of cases referred: Refers to all areas of the law.

Hartford County Bar Association LRS

100 Pearl Street 4th Floor
General Phone No: 860-525-6052
Hartford, CT 06103
Counties Served: Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex, Tolland, and Windham
Types of cases referred: Refers to all areas of the law except Veterans/Military

New Haven County Bar Association LRS

PO Box 1441
New Haven, CT 06506-1441
General Phone No: 203-562-5750
Counties Served: New Haven, Waterbury, Valley, and Shoreline areas
Types of cases referred: Refers to all areas of the law.
Special Panels: Reduced Fee Panel

New London County Bar Association LRS

PO Box 97
General Phone No: 860-889-9384
Yantic, CT 06389-0097

Counties Served: New London
Types of cases referred: Refers to all areas of the law except Healthcare, Intellectual Property, International

Military-Specific Programs

Connecticut Bar Association

30 Bank Street
PO Box 350
New Britain, CT 06050-0350
Contact: Doneshia Lewis

Other Helpful Services

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