Helpful Services:

Wyoming Legal Aid and Pro Bono Services

  • Legal Editor

Legal Aid And Pro Bono Services

Legal Aid Of Wyoming Inc.

Primary Address: 211 West 19th Street 300
City: Cheyenne
State: WY
Zipcode: 82001
General Phone: 877 432-9955
Case Types: Consumer, Housing, Immigration, Public Benefits
Other Case Types: Tribal Court (Shoshone and Arapaho), assist with pro se family law issues
Web Site:

Wyoming State Bar Foundation Pro Bono Referral Program

Primary Address: 500 Randall Ave
City: Cheyenne
State: WY
Zipcode: 82003-0109
General Phone: 307 632-9061
Fax: 307 632-3737
Intake Phone: 307 632-9061
Case Types: Community Economic Development
Web Site:


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