Emotional Stress

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Stress is an emotional state that can develop into serious physical harm and is driven by fear of a present or anticipated danger

The American Institute of Stress claims up to 33% of people have reported extreme feelings of stress, and 75% of Americans have claimed to be highly stressed within the previous month. Many of these people are going through life-changing troubles such as divorce, suffering a disabling injury, and worried about falling into financial hardship.

The spectrum of stress is a vast one. Stress can begin with a sense of mild tension and emotional discomfort, feeling frustrated and nervous, to the feeling of panic. Life can feel overwhelming for those who experience these escalating levels of emotional states.

Common Signs Of Escalating Stress:

  1. Anxiety: Feeling anxious coupled with low levels of energy.
  2. Insomnia: Unable to fall asleep because of repetitive thoughts of danger.
  3. Loss of Sexual Desire: The inability to feel sexually stimulated.
  4. Headaches: Stress headaches can start with tightness at the back of your neck and shoulders, moving up across your head and down into your forehead, manifesting in pulsating pain.
  5. Muscle Tension: The body reacts to perceived threats and prepares for a “fight or flight” reaction.
  6. Upset Stomach: This can manifest as nausea, diarrhea, and constipation.

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