Car Insurance

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No-Fault car insurance is offered only in no-fault states that, by law, limit the amount of damages a plaintiff can recover in a motor vehicle accident

It is a system of automobile insurance where one collects from their own insurance company irrespective of fault for the accident. Automobile insurance in no-fault states offers limited coverage compared to what one can recover from states that are based on fault.

First, if the driver who was not at fault suffered a severe head injury and loss of cognitive function and is permanently disabled, the amount this person can collect for pain and suffering is a tiny fraction of what the driver would be able to collect in compensation in a fault-based state.

Finally, drivers that are careless and even grossly negligent in the way they operate their vehicle take no responsibility for the injury and damage they cause others. These drivers are shielded from taking personal and financial responsibility for the damages they cause others.

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